
What is Spiritualism ? 

According to people Spiritualism is "a system of belief or religious practice based on supposed communication with the spirits". undoubtedly true but it is much more deep than the definition, as people define it. 

It is the experience of soul, its consciousness, astral world, other dimensions, awakening kundalini & it's experiences, etc. Spiritualism is not based on pre-written things to cram, it's about someone's unique experience with the Cosmic and Spiritual knowledge. 

Spiritualism’s main focus is to promote an individual’s personal experience with universe and consciousness. Spiritualism is a religious practice that is not based on a relationship with a particular savior. 

It recognizes all enlightened ones that have come to humankind throughout the ages, not setting one above the other. Rather, it is based upon the idea that we are all to form our own relationship with universe and pure consciousness, and to obtain guidance and accept responsibility for our actions based on our interaction with that personal guidance.

We are able to have that instant and personal communication directly with inner self or higher self or consciousness. The basic philosophy of Spiritualism does not say it is the only way, but feels that all religions can produce enlightenment. I believe All religion may be different but there knowledge has only one goal, salvation or awakening. 

Although there path and way may seem different but the ultimate goal is same and take toward the same path of "The Ultimate Truth". 

Spiritualism is the recognition and respect of all religions. The Belief that No Religion is Truth, But That Truth is Found in all Of Them. Religion Give Many different Path to one but the Destination is Same, Truth is Same.

If you Change Your Perspective, Everything will Become Same. Everything is interconnected with everything else. I strongly believe everyone share "One Truth but With Different Perspectives". I won't say much more on Spiritualism because I think I already have explained it's basis concept that is enough for the seekers of knowledge about Spiritualism.