Misconceptions of Tantra, Sexuality & Super-Consciousness

Shambog Se Samadhi : Sadi Ka Sabse Bda Jhoot - Anant Sri
Criticization by Neo on Anant Sri Misconception.

Sorry my dear friend but you have a misconception about the point. Change your perspective, a little to the manipulations of energy in Spiritual Realm, if you call yourself an "Enlightened Mystic" stand to the point, and mean no Disrespect. Please Read Whole Article.

First: It is possible to attain "samadhi or super-consciousness" through sex or sexual intercourse, considering it as a lie and hoax, is living in false deception of illusion bounded by mind and physical materialistic world. Awake and Watch through the divine eye of your soul and spirit, the flow of energy in all beings during a sexual intercourse or sex, you will observe the mystic beauty of intercourse making two force of energy manifested into one, Where the divinity of masculine and feminine is merging into bliss of oneness where the outer and inner body, meet, mingle and merge into each other. Like meeting of two flames into one & extinguishing or meeting and melting of two ice cubes into water & evaporating. Where two force become one within the divine deepness, Where – Then - there is no I, no thou, no inner, no outer. The play of the energy between soul, spirit, nature, or dimensions is only seen and observed by the awaken cosmic eye, and to the one who have achieved the cosmic realization of oneness and experience the divine existence itself, for him the the illusion of separation fall and he would see and experience the oneness of energy and Truth. The laws of duality then remains just a law, then there is no male or female, light or dark, everything is one, interdependent and interconnected with everything else and It must be accepted as it is in it's nature of self being. Don't be limited by mind, texts, physicality, sex, illusion, materialistic things etc etc. The universe in speaking with you in language of cosmic energy, vibrations and frequencies which doesn't lie, they correspond to the ultimate truth of oneness into Divine Cosmic Self. For Farther satisfaction Who has misconception about Tantra, Sex & Samadhi, we are talking about super-consciousness, kundalini Awakening, oneness etc. Then one may have seen the structure of kundalini and Chakras, and come in familar with terms like pingala or ida, What are they ?

You may have been taught they are two of the three main nadies, but that is limited answer. They are the force of energy in duality, one signifies sun (feminine energy) and other signifies moon (masculine energy) or vice versa, when these energy meet the third eye running from the temples of forehead and merging into one, transformation of an awakened one is achieved with cosmic truth. Now if you have read the above lines well and understood them in perception of play of cosmic energy with Divine Consciousness, you will get you answer, where the point is wrong.

Answer is simple: when the energy in duality is occurred in soul or nature the new mystic force is born. And till where ever the point is concerned with "sex to super-consciousness as a lie" you must also understand the concept of tantra which states and express that sexual intercourse or sex can be used to reach the super-consciousness. The concept of tantra too, say so, because they see the Truth of world in the field of divine cosmic energy with an awakened eye. The thing which is observed in tantra is too same, the merging of both energy into one and completing the cycle of energy with Chakras into total and absolute wholeness of it's own nature.

Conclusion: The sexual intercourse if observed in form of energy, it isn't wrong or does any harm to one (if done in a right way of tantra with rules), only thing that is observed is that how the two energy merge into one and this divine mystic mergence of two force give rise and birth to new mystic energy and helps the energy of duality find balance in nature by completing energy cycle from two Root Chakras as base to two crown Chakras as head between two soul's and maintaining a harmony between Soul, Nature and Universe, which may results in experience of super-consciousness because in tantra sexual intercourse, one attained total orgasmic joy through sex which bring the awareness that there is something in sex which is not sexual at all and in this deep orgasmic state "Time Disappears, Mind Disappears, Ego Disappears." And now these things have nothing to do with sex and because these three things Disappears, a inner bliss is experienced, and now even this Bliss has nothing to do with sex either. And the "Time, Mind & Ego" which were first becoming a issue and a boundary between the achievement of super-consciousness has Disappeared and the chances for the attainment of super-consciousness increases.

Second: what is wrong from the whole point of view in the Truth of knowing is that, people want to experience Awakening and super-consciousness but are misled by misconception of different mentality of people. People see sex as means of enjoyment and as an easy act of achieving Spiritual Awakening to super-consciousness. The main reason of misconception are articles & quotations of well known Enlightened Spiritual Master Osho. I am not blaming "Osho" for any thing or any kind of Act. He tried his best to explain people about concept of tantra and Sex but people have an old habits of misunderstanding the concept and words of enlightened masters, awakened ones and even the normal people. People have been misguided by their own deception of mind which have resulted in a huge misconception of achieving Spirituality through sexuality in world. People see sex as a means of an Easy Act to achieve Spiritual Awakening of super-consciousness. But people must understand there is no easy path to follow weather it's tantra, meditation, zen, yoga etc etc to achieve Awakening. And people who are in wrong misconception of thinking that tantra is an easy way just because of some sexual practices, which they have mistook as a pleasurable path then you are on a wrong turn and wrong path, and forget the Awakening, doesn't matter's whether it's tantra, meditation, zen, yoga or any other practice, in every possible way one have to drop one's mind, and ego and most importantly the intentions towards it. Because of it most people won't reach that stage of Awakening in tantra, because it ask one to enter with no desire and intentions but most people are trying to enter the path of tantra with wrong deception of an Easy Path, sexual intercourse, pleasure, devotee etc etc.

Conclusion: Awake and leave the misconception that Awakening of super-consciousness can not be achieved by sexual Intercourse, and that it is a lie or hoax. Understand and Accept the fact that, it's mentality of people who have created this concept of deception. For An Awakened one who has achieved the Cosmic realization of oneness, for him the concept of right and wrong Disappears. I m not here to argue about any point or belief, I just wrote it as discussion because I found it as a big misconception and deception to people mind. I apologize to everyone if my words hurted someone's ego. And People who keep on criticizing about sex and sexual intercourse in tantra, Spirituality, or Mysticism know that Sex and body too are holy and Sacred. Everything in this world and universe is itself the result of sex mergence between two forces of masculine energy and feminine energy, doesn't matter even if it's a species of any organism, animal, human, plant, trees, celestial bodies, etc etc at last there source of creation is originated by two divine force which is run by a third force (which I didn't discussed here), which give rise to all other mystic force and creation in Universe.
Advise: don't be mislead by above article, I shared it for only purpose of knowledge and removing misconception of some people about a specific topic, not for promoting any practice of tantra. Tantra and its practices are far beyond the normal path for attainment of any truth, Consciousness or Awakening. I Strictly advised not to involve in it, as it can be very dangerous and in case of practicing art of tantra it is suggested to do with high understanding knowledge and tantra teacher or master as a guidance with personal Experience. Suggested instead of choosing path of tantra choose the path of meditation and awareness. Be Blessed. - Cosmic