Knowing Tantra: Basic 1

We can assert that Tantra is the essence of Yoga. There exist three types of Tantra: white, black and grey. Indeed, White Tantra is unique and worthwhile, because neither the orgasm nor the ejaculation of semen exist in it. White Tantra awakens the Kundalini, in other words, the Fire of the Holy Spirit. That fire fortifies the soul; it strengthens it and fills it with divine igneous powers.

Sex Yoga states, “Poison must be transformed into medicine.” They understand by poison the lure of women and of spirituous beverages. In alchemical terms, we would say that it is necessary to transform lead into gold. Indeed, Yoga is worthless without Tantra. Yoga is worthless without its sexual essence.
Brahmins consider the sexual union as equivalent to a divine sacrifice, and the feminine organs as the fire where the sacrifice is offered. The Brahmin woman says the following in one of the sacred texts: “If thou wilt make use of me at the sacrifice, then whatever blessing thou shalt invoke through me, shall be granted to thee!”
- Satapatha Brahmana

Buddhist Tantrikas attain Nirvana by means of the woman and sex. Yogis and Yoginis reach Samadhi (ecstasy) through the sexual act without spilling the semen. This is the coitus reservatus, in other words, the sexual act without reaching the orgasm, without ejaculating the semen. The Tantric Yogis and Yoginis pass through a long and difficult preparation before entering in to the field of Sex Yoga . 

This entire preparation requires Concentration, Meditation, Bandhas, Mudras, Pratyahara, Pranayamas, etc. One text indicates that the Yogi has to sleep for three months with the Yogini to his right and another three months to his left, without having sexual intercourse with her. The sexual intercourse without ejaculation is performed only after the two periods of three months. This act is named or called Maithuna. Nirvana is achieved with Maithuna. Samadhi (ecstasy) is attained with Maithuna. The Kundalini awakens and develops totally with Maithuna. Yogi and Yogini begin the dance of Shiva and Shakti (the eternal feminine and her spouse), thus they happily dance before the Tantric Sexual Act.
“We are initiating the New Aquarian Era and humanity will be divided in two bands: Those who accept White Tantra, and those who will define themselves for the Black; in other words, those who will accept the ejaculation of their semen and those who will not accept it; those who will continue with the ejaculation of their semen, and those who will not continue with the ejaculation of it; White Tantric People and Black Tantric ones, that is all. Speaking in an occult manner we would say: White Magicians and Black Magicians. These are the two bands of the New Aquarian Era”.

Special thanks to:- Samael Aún Weor